December 1999

  • 12/19/99 -- Randy and JoEl will be in Mesick through Christmas.  Call Jim Linna's if you want to get in contact.
  • Weekend of the 24th and 25th -- Monte and Elizebeth will probably be up from OK for a couple of days.  I smell a party brewing!
  • If you will be around Mesick for the holidays and want the rest of the class to know how to reach you, send me the information and I will post it on this bulletin board.
  • 1/01/00 -- Just in case this is the end of the world, it was nice knowing you all.

Mesick High Class of 1989 | Class Reunion '99 | Calendar | Class Reunion Pictures | Classmate Finder Links | Guest book

To contact me:

Phone: 941-727-1287
Fax: 941-742-3530